Thursday, October 22, 2009

Apparently my Uterus is QUITE the happening place!

So ever since yesterday morning Kinsley has been hosting her own little rave in my uterus. No seriously she stopped moving at night (either to gain more energy for today, to actually be a good daughter, OR b/c i took Tylenol PM... whatever you KNOW your moms' back in the day were slipping a little rum into your bottle... i just slipped a little PM... doctor said she LOVES it!) and then from the moment i got into the car she was like "YEAH! we're on the ROAD! this is great! WHOO HOO Traffic! I LOVE IT! WOW since Mom is turning into work RIGHT now i'll punch the hell out of her uterine wall! HAHA that was AWESOME!". Yeah this has been her behavior from dawn until dusk yesterday and now it's begun again today.

Seriously though it's REALLY funny. I"ll be sitting here and all of a sudden it feels like she's having a boxing match with her invisible friend and sometimes my organs get in her way.The only problem is that it can hurt... my belly feels very bruised to the touch... and i'm EXTREMELY tired. I'm thinking of taking a 1/2 day because I'm here in my office in sweats trying to function but i can't b/c when i try to lean over my desk to work WHAM! she's pissed... or i need to rotate to look at something WHAM Kinsley didn't appreciate that.

Honestly i just want to lay on the couch and prop my belly and go to sleep... i think i would be a MUCH nicer person if i got to do this.

what are your thoughts? Stay or go home?

Oh and PS we HAVE a Pediatrician! LOVE the practice we saw last night! YEA!


  1. Your blog was forwarded to my by Becca and I love it!! I'm also preggers, but a bit behind you....due in Feb. I have to admit that while having one of those "don't look at me cross-eyed or I might cry or you might die" days, I started reading and ended up laughing so hard I peed on myself!! Thank you so much for sharing!


  2. Thank you so much for reading! i hope this blog lets you know that you are NOT alone and even though pregnancy is a VERY hard time and a VERY uncomfortable time, it's also quite funny!
    Good luck in the months ahead! You're going to do GREAT!
