Monday, January 17, 2011

Being a stay at home mom is SOOOO HARD

No i didn't lose my job, it was a government holiday! YEA! So Kinsley's daycare was also closed! So we had a Mommy-Daughter day! And I'm freaking tired! Yeah here's a run down of all we did today

1. A million loads of laundry (or at least 6)
2. Picked up the kitchen, a few times
3. at 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks
4. took two naps (thank the dear dear lord)
5. had a dance party
6. marched like soldiers
7. Had a few bubble parties
8. threw baby dolls around in her tent
9. read a few books
10. made animal sounds and pointed out our body parts CONSTANTLY (we need to be up to par at the 15month apt!
11. had a melt down
12. cuddled a lot
13. Got lots of around the neck hugs (i didn't know she did this yet!)
14. had a few wrestling matches (yea she kicked my butt)
15. did a some Thirty-One stuff.

oh man... I'm dead! Keeping up with a toddler, trying to clean, trying to put laundry away, and work on my new consultant job, and who knows what else... I'm tired!

Y'all i know I've always talked about wanting to be a stay-at-home Mom, and i still do, and I'm sure it's a little different if you're doing it every day because you're maybe more prepared, etc... but i KNOW it's not any less exhausting! WOW.

Hats off to YOU stay-at-home Moms!

PS, while Kinsley was sitting on the counter helping me cook, she decided it was a good idea to try the raw chopped onions... and she KEPT eating them... weirdo!

1 comment:

  1. Stay at home moms definitely have the hardest jobs! I work part time and on my days off? I am beat!!
