So nothing is happening to me that I know of, i just have a very morbid outlook on life where I'm perpetually scared that Chris and I are going to die and someone else is going to have to raise my children and they are not going to instill in them the values and lessons that I want in them... So since I've been OH SO AMAZING at blogging (just haven't felt the urge) I'm going to turn this into a blog about what I want my children to know from me. Some of it will be serious, some of it will be comical I'm sure. Some of it will offend you (hint, you're not who I want teaching my children) and some of it you might agree with (want to meet for a glass of wine?). So without further ado here's some things I want my son to know
1. ALWAYS be a gentleman, unless that girl is a skank. I expect you to open doors and pay for meals and hold her hand. I want you to guide her with your hand on the small of her back, get a little jealous and protective over her (not possessive) and stand up for her, even to me. UNLESS she's a skanky little know it all who doesn't appreciate you. If she is let me handle her!
2. Bring a girl something to show her you were thinking of her. Flowers are nice... but predictable. Give her flowers but also give her cupcakes, jewelry, her favorite candy that you saw and had to get her because it made you think of her!
3. PLAN THE DATES! Even when you're married surprise her with a date that you planned, that means booking the childcare too! Especially do this when she's been bitchy, this means she needs a break, give it to her!
4. Put your faith and heart and whole being in God. BE a Godly man, LEAD your family, Raise them in church and let them see you heading it up! GO to mens bible study, bring your children to worship with you. Let your kids SEE you serving God.
5. Work hard. If you work hard at what you chose to do then you will succeed. No one is going to GIVE you anything, NO one SHOULD just give you anything? No one owes you anything. WORK FOR IT. Your Daddy has worked his butt off and because of him we have a beautiful house and food on our table. But also like your Daddy, be present when you're home. You kids need
you too, not just your money.
6. When you have kids HELP with them. Even if they call for Momma (it's just programmed into them) get in there and bathe them, soothe them, walk them around at 3 in the morning shushing them back to sleep. Discipline them!
7. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it's not politically correct. Many people will make you feel like you are a horrible person if you don't agree with the masses, well you're NOT. Follow the bible as a guide if you have questions about whether you're right or not, don't follow others.
8. Don't get all pierced and tattooed up. I get it, sounds like fun, but is that big ass sun on your arm or shoulder going to look super cool when you're 80 and saggy? Is that big metal gauge in your ear going to look cool when it won't close when we're 60 and so now you have droopy slashed open earlobes? The chicks dig it now but.... really? Think long and hard about it. Your Daddy is 31 as I type this and hasn't gotten a tattoo because he can't think of anything that he would be happy to have when we're dancing in our 80s... (oh yeah me too... i did get my belly button pierced... yeah droopy...)
9. Learn how to be handy and don't be afraid to DIY. It's fun to build, fix, etc. You wife will count on that.
10. Hunt, Fish, play sports, AND learn to at least appreciate, if not love, the arts. Want to be big time CEO in something? Well get yourself cultured! That means the arts. You don't have to BE artistic to appreciate them.
11. Know more than anything that your Momma loves you. I love your sweet little arms wrapping around me, you asking me to "hold my hand" for the entire 7 hour drive to your Pop Pop and Sasha's house, I love you throwing a ball at my nose and catching me unawares. I LOVE YOU! Remember that. NO matter what, know that you will always have that. If i get taken from you (which I will not allow to happen because I need to screen all future wives) know that I love you and I know you will be an amazing man. Don't dwell on your heart aches, learn from them! Just jump into the next thing with a full and open heart! Make me proud little man because I will always be watching!