In October of 2020 I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy. Not something I can say I saw coming but the more I learn about it and think about my past and present the more it makes sense.
I’ve always been tired. It’s been a joke among my family and friends that I could sleep anywhere at anytime, and it’s true. Going to be in the car for more than 45 minutes? I’m taking a nap. Sitting at school in a class for more than 30 minutes? Gonna take a nap. And when I say I’m just going to close my eyes for a few minutes, I mean I’m going to wake up 30-40 minutes later with drool on my face and a dream to tell you about.
I have depression. All the women in my moms family have it. Figured most of my issues were do to that. Told so many therapist how tired I was and most could get me on a “good enough” level that I thought I was fine. I mean I’m a teenager and growing, I’m tired. I’m in college and stay up late and party, I’m tired. I have a new grown person job, yes I should take a nap as soon as I get home. I had kids, of course I’m tired. Eventually though I ran out of reasons. My kids sleep through the night. I take a nap every lunch. I go to bed at 9pm!!! And yet I’m still always tired. My tired is a I can’t even imagine switching the laundry, much less trying to be a working mom.
So at my therapist encouragement I went to a neurologist. We did some at home test. Yep, sleep apnea. Did the CPAP. Technical results came back favorable, but I was still sooo tired. Turns out also, you’re not supposed to wake up 10 times a night. (Apparently according to the data I was waking up 2.0+) Also dreaming with that many awakes, not normal. I could wake up, go to the bathroom and fall back into the same dream.
Once we got through all that I had to do an all night and day sleep study. You go to sleep with wires literally everywhere. All over my head, chest, legs, and up my nose. Don’t worry I still slept all night. They wake you up, you stay awake for 2 hours then you can nap. You have 15 minutes to fall asleep. If you do then they let you sleep for 2.0 minutes. Repeat 5 times. Yep. Fell asleep every time. Also hit rem.
So guess who got diagnosed with Narcolepsy 2. That means I don’t have attacks where I fall into a sleep without warning. That’s type 1. I am just extremely and overly tired all the time. And don’t ever sleep restfully, despite all the lovely dreams.
Now what? I’ll let you know.