Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Neighborhood is awesome... I'm just saying

So once the sun comes out and the weather starts to warm up, my circle starts getting all excited. They are getting excited because they know that Block Parties are coming!

We run around the first few weeks chatting like school girls giddy with Beiber Fever! We have Block Party Fever.

And this year, we upped our game! See I really think my street is on a well system, despite the bill from county i get for using city water. Because once you take a sip from our powerful elixir it's only a matter of time before you will be pregnant. It's true! We have around 8 babies under the age of two and around 3 more pregnancies! Seriously, if you're not interested, go for bottled!

So since we have SOOO many children, especially ones that don't understand the meaning of Stay on the sidewalk, we shut it down! That's right, we coned off the circle, rolled out the grills, set up the chairs, and had a good old fashioned block party.

Everyone had a glorious time, the kids played, the adults joked, even the dogs enjoyed themselves! But once the sun went down the fun really started!

See we live in townhouses so we're very close, our circle is smaller and well, we figured out that Baby monitors have decent range! (Oh don't even act like you're anything but jealous you single family house owners!) So we all put the babies to sleep and regroup in the middle with baby monitors in hand! And that's when this happens...
These two cuties heard about all the fun and just had to check it out... don't worry she drank bottled water!

Sippy cup is a serious game!

The dogs even played their version.

It's true, we play flip cup, in the middle of our circle. Or as we like to call it "Sippy Cup".

Yep I have a pretty fun neighborhood. We have people of all ages joining in (all above 21!) and before you call child services, there's always one responsible party per house, just in case the kids wake up.

So right now we don't have any houses for sale if you want to join the fun, but you're still welcome to come, and I'll always bottle the water for you if you want to try your luck!

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