Thursday, May 14, 2009

My man can COOK!

Oh yes, contrary to popular belief he can cook! He USED to cook all the time but when i informed him that my waist and arteries were dying from his form of processed food cooking he instantly began a boycott of the kitchen. "What? What did I say?" So because i've had a lack of cooking lately i think he has become inspired. One of his favorite dish that i make is just sausage/kabassa (sp?), etc cooked with peppers and onions. Well he decided to one up me and turn it into an amazing sandwich. (Is it just me or in your life can guys ALWAYS make the best sandwiches... so true for me) He took a hoggie roll and put down a slice of cheese, then layered the sausage, bell pepper, and onions, and topped with mustard. YUM! It was like a party in mouth! I may just let him keep cooking!


  1. Hey! We make this same dish! We make it with rice though...maybe we should try the sandwich idea too! Yummy

  2. Everything you need to learn in life you learn at the Nowaceks. Thank me for Breedlove's sandwich talent. I also showed him how to drink and lose gracefully when his team drops to the Terps (remember your wedding day? Terps beat down!).

