So today is picture day at school and we had to work for this outfit! I had another planned, until i realized that I have forgotten to buy her tights. She only has one pair of tights right now (will be remedied this afternoon!) and they came with a Christmas dress from my friend. Well I didn't want her school pictures to be Christmas pictures so here's what we came up with, I think she's rocking it!
But oh that dang passy!
It's all she talks about and it's creeped back into our lives the way chocolate does in a diet.
Quick, run, one last hug for Momma!
So if you have any tips on getting rid of her passy let me know. We tried giving them away... i caved early so i don't think that will work again. Some of them have holes in them from her chewing them so lack of suction isn't a concern of hers. Do i just need to do it and deal with it? OH how sad our house will be...
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