Monday, March 29, 2010

Egg Hunting

Kinsley attended her first Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday! And it was PACKED! It was put on by our church and here's the tots section scrambling to get all of the yummy candy filled eggs!
Don't worry Kinsley threw a few elbows out there and was able to come away with one precious egg!

Can't you tell how thrilled she is about it? I could hardly hold her back her excitement was tremendous! (Please excuse the random placement of the bow on K's head, even though i do think she is as pretty as a flower it was not my intention to make her look like one).
Aww just look at that happy face! Sadly the egg hunt fell while Kinsley was trying to take a nap... she was less then thrilled with all of the "photo opportunities" since each one meant that the mean ole wind would get her. This is her "I'm SOOO not amused face"~

We hope you all have a WONDERFUL Easter and remember that Christ died and rose from the grave for you! To forgive you of your sins and to make eternal life possible! We love you all and stay safe from the Easter Bunny! He's tricky dropping off all that candy right before swimsuit season!

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